Route InformationComrails Logo

Route Information

You can select the route or location you want to review information on by either selection the route from the list below or by location name from the alphabetic List of Locations. Map of Railway Lines in SA in 1950

Mid North and Western Lines - South Australia

Murray Malley Lines - South Australia

South Lines - South Australia

South East Lines - South Australia

Far Northern Lines - South Australia

Central-Australian Railway - Narrow Gauge - Port Augusta to Alice Springs

Central-Australian Railway - Standard Gauge - Tarcoola to Darwin

Trans-Australia Railway - Port Pirie to Kalgoorlie

Eyre Peninsula Lines

Adelaide Suburban

Adelaide to Woodville, Hendon, Grange, Glanville, Semaphore & Outer Harbour

Adelaide to Dry Creek, Northfield, Salisbury, Penfield & Gawler

Glenelg Lines

Other Suburban

Other Lines