Pioneer FirstComrails Logo
15<sup>th</sup> May 1987,Steamrail Newport <em>Enterprise</em> car

Pioneer First -- BL 12 -- Enterprise

"Pioneer First" was built in 1892 as a 12 wheeled first class clerestory roofed corridor with end-loading platforms and side swing doors. Originally classified as "AA" class it carried the name Pioneer on the letterboard, probably after 1896. It contained eight compartments, each with a sliding door to an enclosed corridor and a swing door to the outside.

In 1921 it was altered to second class and coded "12 BL", with a capacity of 64. Carriage "12 BL" was stored at Steamrail depot, Nth Williamstown in May 1987, in a very poor state of repair.

1892Entered service.
6.9.1921Altered to second class and coded "12 BL".
3.1968Returned to traffic named Enterprise.
-To Steamrail.