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NM 23 and banker on wheat train approximately 2½ miles from Quorn - (W.J.Crowe Collection) (mbc_03)
The first C.R. train to enter Alice Springs (Stuart) NM 22. This was a stock train and arrived before the first Ghan to Alice Springs. W.J.Crowe on headlight (fireman), J... (mbc_04)
Joe Harris and Bill Crowe (standing) G 19 - Trans line (W.J.Crowe Collection) (mbc_06)
Bridge repairs Central Australia Railway - location unknown - Bill Crowe and Tom Duncan crew (W.J.Crowe Collection) (mbc_09)
Bridge repairs Central Australia Railway - location unknown - Bill Crowe and Tom Duncan crew (W.J.Crowe Collection) (mbc_10)
Bridge repairs Central Australia Railway - location unknown - Bill Crowe and Tom Duncan crew (W.J.Crowe Collection) (mbc_11)
Sandfly Darwin (Des Joyce) (mbc_15)
NGA 39 Mataranka Northern Territory. (Des Joyce) (mbc_19)
NM 22 Thompson`s Victory Picnic (J Britza) (mbc_23)
NM 24 Thompson`s Seaside picnic train; Port Augusta (J Britza) (mbc_24)
Sandfly? Probabily not. Brian Sneddon had the following to say about this photo - I am all but convinced that it is actually a photo of one of the Baldwins used on the Sorrento tra... (mbc_misc_017)
loco SAR 714 - Port Pirie (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_01)
loco SAR F - Semaphore (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_02)
loco SAR K65 (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_03)
loco SAR 625 (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_05)
loco SAR P72 outside Colac Hotel - Port Adelaide (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_06)
loco SAR F176 watering - Semaphore (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_07)
loco SAR F169 Royal visit - Port Line (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_09)
loco SAR Rx200 + train in station yard - North Line (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_11)
loco SAR F167 after Glanville accident (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_13)
railcar SAR Brill No. 41 - 3 car set at step down platform - Henley Beach line (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_14)
loco SAR Rx class on boat train of VandSAR joint stock - Port Line (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_15)
loco SAR Rx class on mail train ex Outer Harbour coming off the viaduct - Port Adelaide (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_17)
loco SAR Tx278 - Tailem Bend (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_18)
loco SAR P120 - Port Adelaide (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_20)
loco SAR F171 in platform with Semaphore Illuminated Carnival headboard - Adelaide (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_21)
loco SAR F242 + end loading cars in platform - gantry signal - Woodville (Ralph Skewes) (mbc_b01_24)
Steam loco K65 (Harry Godson) (mbc_b03_03)
SAR Railcar Motor Coach Coffee Pot - CR NJAB1 - Parachilna (Harry Godson) (mbc_b03_23)
Woodcar Paint shop - loco CR NJAB1 Coffee Pot Stored - Quorn (Harry Godson) (mbc_b03_24)
Woodcar Paint shop - loco CR NJAB1 Coffee Pot Stored - Quorn (Harry Godson) (mbc_b03_25)
loco SAR 621 on passenger train in station under pedestrian bridge - Aldgate (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_06)
loco SAR 521 on passenger crossing railcar SAR brill 2 car set 219 trailing in platform - Aldgate (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_09)
loco SAR 700 on passenger at Bridgewater end of yard - overhead water tank - Aldgate (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_10)
loco SAR 701 with an up Bridgewater passenger crossing loco 930 on freight - overhead water tank - Aldgate (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_11)
loco SAR 710 on passenger train entering yard - Aldgate (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_12)
loco SAR 521 on passenger train passing under pedestrian bridge - Aldgate (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_13)
loco SAR F class + 2x end loading cars - viaduct footings - Sleeps Hill (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_14)
loco SAR Rx228 in platform - end loading cars - station building - Willunga (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_22)
loco SAR Rx228 on last regular passenger - McLaren Vale (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_23)
loco SAR Rx228 on last regular passenger - turning on triangle - Willunga (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_24)
loco SAR Rx197 light engine - Lynton (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_26)
loco SAR 734 + 8x end loading cars - disused line on right - Sleeps Hill (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_28)
loco SAR 715 - Clapham (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_30)
loco SAR 715 - Clapham (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_31)
loco SAR F245 on passenger train - end loading car 315 - upside down gang trolley in foreground (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_36)
loco SAR P123 + P118 + diesel 802 - Loco Depot - Gillman (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_37)
loco SAR P123 - Loco Depot - Gillman (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_38)
loco SAR P123 + P118 + diesel 802 - Loco Depot - Gillman (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_39)
locos SAR 722 + 520 in erecting shop - Islington (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_48)
loco SAR T181 in erecting shop - Islington (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_50)
loco SAR F246 inside loco depot shed - Port Adelaide (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_52)
loco SAR F247 on suburban train - Brighton (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_53)
locos SAR Rx216 + Rx235 on passenger train in platform - wooden open wagon - Bridgewater (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_54)
loco SAR Rx class on down Willunga passenger in platform - W on chimney - end loading car - station building - Hove (Adrian Thomas Collection) (mbc_b04_55)
SAR Railcar Coffee Port - CR NJAB1 - Quorn (Bronte Watts Postcard Collection) (mbc_b05_16)
SAR Railcar Coffee Port - CR NJAB1 - Quorn (Bronte Watts Postcard Collection) (mbc_b05_25)
loco SAR 526 - Adelaide Station (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_03)
loco SAR 626 - derelict - Islington (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_06)
loco SAR F class - No. F18? (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_09)
loco SAR F181 - end loading cars (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_10)
loco SAR F class (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_11)
loco SAR F class - EIIR on side of loco (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_12)
loco SAR F184 + end loading car - Ethelton (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_13)
loco SAR F246 + 800 class cars - station platform shelter - Seacliff (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_15)
loco SAR F179 + 800 class car crossing road - crossing sign - Grange (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_16)
railcar SAR brill No. 42 in platform - Hallett Cove (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_17)
loco SAR F class + 800 class cars crossing road - Port Road - Henley Beach line (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_18)
loco SAR F252 in platform - Granville (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_19)
loco SAR P71 - alongside wharf - Port Adelaide (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_20)
loco SAR F242 in street - Semaphore (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_21)
loco SAR F245 watering - Semaphore (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_22)
loco SAR F245 shunting around train - Semaphore (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_23)
loco SAR Rx212 + end loading car in platform - Glanville (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_24)
loco SAR F242 in street - Semaphore (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_25)
loco SAR F240 + side loading car - road crossing - Cheltenham (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_26)
loco SAR F240 + side loading car - road crossing - Cheltenham (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_27)
loco SAR F246 in platform - station buildings - Belair (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_28)
loco SAR F246 - railcar SAR Brill No. 36 + trailer in siding - Belair (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_29)
loco SAR 520 + 2x end loading cars - Mount Lofty (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_31)
loco SAR F244 watering - Marino (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_33)
railcar SAR Brill No. 45 in platform - Truro (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_34)
railcar SAR Brill No. 58 in platform - Mount Pleasant (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_35)
railcar SAR Brill No. 58 in platform - Mount Pleasant (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_36)
loco SAR 700 - Tailem Bend Loco (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_43)
locos SAR Rx201 + Rx155 - Tailem Bend Loco (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_44)
loco SAR Rx210 on Karoona branch line - buffer stop - Tailem Bend (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_54)
loco SAR Rx232 + oil tank car 364 Vacuum Bitumen - Tailem Bend (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_56)
loco SAR Rx210 shunting yard - view of yard + station + signal cabin + goods shed - Mount Gambier (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_59)
loco SAR 525 + end loading car in station - pedestrian over bridge - Port Pirie Junction - Solomontown (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_63)
loco SAR T24 in platform - Fireman K Haufe - Terowie (Leo Rowe Collection) (mbc_b06_67)
loco SAR T239 on a Quorn bound passenger train - Peterborough (Babbage Collection) (mbc_b07_09)
loco SAR T199 on freight - Hawker (Babbage Collection) (mbc_b07_10)
loco SAR T199 on freight on bridge on last regular T class hauled train on Hawker line - between Wilson and Gordon (Babbage Collection) (mbc_b07_11)
loco SAR T199 on freight - Gordon (Babbage Collection) (mbc_b07_12)
loco CR NM21 + open wagon + loco SAR T class being coaled - Alice Springs (Searcy Collection) (mbc_b08_03)
loco SAR T50 on freight - 4 wheel wagons (Searcy Collection) (mbc_b08_16)
loco SAR Rx143 - Islington (Searcy Collection) (mbc_b08_26)
loco SAR K68 shunting wagons in yard - good shed - Port Dock (Searcy Collection) (mbc_b08_29)
loco SAR K68 shunting wagons in yard - good shed - Port Dock (Searcy Collection) (mbc_b08_33)
view of station - locos SAR Rx146 departing with Melbourne Express - Adelaide Station (Searcy Collection) (mbc_b08_35)
loco SAR Rx149 on freight train of 4wheel C class wagons (Searcy Collection) (mbc_b08_41)
overhead view stored SAR locos - loco 711 + 716 + 719 + 712 + 529 - accident train wagons + others in background - Mile End Loco (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_001)
loco SAR 523 + 6x steel cars + brake crossing bridge - Light River - Kapunda (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_002)
loco SAR 627 in platform opposite railcar SAR brill No. 55 - Strathalbyn (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_003)
loco SAR 520 class departing station with passenger train - Adelaide Station (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_004)
loco SAR 523 + steel cars in platform - overhead view - Morgan (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_006)
loco SAR 620 on passenger - signal cabin - Goodwood (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_007)
loco SAR 522 departing with passenger train - end loading cars - The Overland in platform - Sleeping cars Malkari + Nomuldi + Allambi (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_008)
loco SAR F240 taking water - end loading car - Reynella (D Worth) (mbc_b09_009)
loco SAR F240 + end loading baggage + end loading car - station building - Reynella (D Worth) (mbc_b09_010)
loco SAR F240 + 2x end loading cars - Willunga line (D Worth) (mbc_b09_012)
loco SAR Rx217 alongside loco 747 on special train - Monarto South (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_018)
locos Rx195 + Rx224 on passenger on bridge - special train - end loading cars + dining car Adelaide + steel cars - Hamley Bridge (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_019)
loco SAR F class alongside Morphett Street bridge embankment - Adelaide Yard (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_023)
loco SAR F class shunting works train - ESV + web caboose (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_024)
loco SAR F class on passenger train - Mile End? (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_025)
loco SAR F255 shunting Overland car BJ6 + end loading cars - Adelaide Station (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_026)
loco SAR 700 class on freight (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_027)
loco SAR 700 class on freight (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_028)
loco SAR Rx207 on turntable - Mile End (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_029)
loco SAR F236 in platform - railcar SAR red hen 300 class set with 820 class trailer - Adelaide Station (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_030)
loco SAR F class shunting passenger cars - Overland E cars - end loading cars - view of car siding - Adelaide Station (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_031)
loco SAR Rx202 light engine in yard - loco Rx48 + brake 8349 - perway compound in background - Mile End (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_032)
loco SAR Rx158 on freight crossing bridge - Torrens River - Adelaide (D Worth Collection) (mbc_b09_035)
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Chris Drymalik
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