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Tea and Sugar Train - VS733 + Bulk provision store V248 + cattle cars + situp + temp passenger car situp + temp passenger car (blc_0006)
Theatrette car W144 (blc_0007)
CAR HRD on Q1966 (CR Photo) (blc_0008)
Port Augusta Car Barn - HR + ARP13 + BRP19 (blc_0009)
Bathroom NSS34 (blc_0010)
Power car HRGB117 (CR Photo) (blc_0013)
Brake HRB68 (CR Photo) (blc_0014)
Port Augusta BRG168 (CR Photo) (blc_0015)
Construction train car - Temporary Passenger car (blc_0016)
Construction train cars (blc_0017)
Construction train cars (blc_0018)
Construction train cars - Hospital + Stores (blc_0019)
Dining car DB75 ex Hopkins (CR Photo) (blc_0020)
Dining car DB75 ex Hopkins (CR Photo) (blc_0022)
Lounge car AFA92 or AFA93 (CR Photo) (blc_0023)
Welfare car - OW5 (blc_0024)
Welfare car - OW5 (blc_0025)
Interior of W144 theatrette car (blc_0101)
- Butcher can FA640 (blc_0102)
Alice Springs - Relay van NHRB61 (J Beckhaus) (blc_book_338)
Marree - Power van NG68 (J Beckhaus) (blc_book_346)
Alice Springs - Relay van NHRD77 (J Beckhaus) (blc_book_350)
Katherine - NABP3 + NABP7 (G Bond collection) (blc_box_2_3_2)
Katherine - brake NHA68 (G Bond collection) (blc_box_2_3_4)
Quorn - NJAB1 (SA Archives) (blc_sa_696_6)
Port Pirie - van VC1203 (blc_ab_03_n)
Port Pirie - brake van HRF65 (blc_ab_06_n)
Port Pirie - dining car D20 (blc_ab_07_n)
Port Augusta - ballast wagon B1488 (blc_ab_08_n)
Port Augusta - wooden van VB6 (blc_ab_09_n)
Port Augusta - cattle van CB303 (blc_ab_10_n)
Port Augusta - cattle van CB751 (blc_ab_11_n)
Port Augusta - ballast hopper BA1539 (blc_ab_12_n)
Port Augusta - sheep van S309 (blc_ab_13_n)
Port Augusta - sheep van SB1493 (blc_ab_14_n)
Port Augusta - louvre van LB1215 (blc_ab_16_n)
Port Augusta - open wagon GA869 (blc_ab_17_n)
Port Augusta - weigh bridge test car BS125 (blc_ab_18_n)
Port Augusta - bogie flat R41 (blc_ab_19_n)
Port Augusta - bogie coal car GP2106 (blc_ab_20_n)
Port Augusta - bogie coal car GD1705 (blc_ab_21_n)
Port Augusta - railcar trailer situp car B79 (blc_bb_02_n)
Port Augusta - Railcar NDH on temp bogies + loco DR1 + CL5 rear end (blc_bb_03_n)
Port Augusta - Pay car PA280 (blc_bb_04_n)
Port Augusta - Second class sleeper BRP19 coupled to B79 (blc_bb_05_n)
Port Augusta - part Breakdown Dining car ED22 + Breakdown car XE1 (blc_bb_06_n)
Port Augusta - Open wagon NGC1117 (blc_bb_07_n)
Port Augusta - relay brake HRB64 (blc_bb_09_n)
Port Augusta - water tank TD377 (blc_bb_10_n)
Port Augusta - bogie flat R351 with transportable unit W25 (blc_bb_11_n)
Port Augusta - ballast hopper BA1536 (blc_bb_12_n)
Port Augusta - ballast plough BPA641 (blc_bb_13_n)
Port Augusta - body of van NVS670 (blc_bb_14_n)
Port Augusta - Employees sleeping van NEB33 (blc_bb_15_n)
Port Augusta - Water tank TF804 + TF810 (blc_bb_16_n)
Marree - dining car NDB23 (blc_bb_17_n)
Marree - power van NG68 (blc_bb_18_n)
Marree - lounge car NAF25 (blc_bb_19_n)
Marree - pay van NP31 (blc_bb_20_n)
Marree - Inspection van NI54 (blc_bb_21_n)
Port Augusta - lounge car AF24 (blc_cb_00_n)
Port Augusta - open wagon GL851 (blc_cb_01_n)
Port Augusta - ways and works ex cattle van troop carrier CBP768 (blc_cb_02_n)
Port Augusta - Jordan Spreader Ditcher P1649 (blc_cb_03_n)
Port Augusta - passenger car ADH4 (blc_cb_04_n)
Port Augusta - Wooden van V287 heavy plant (blc_cb_05_n)
Port Augusta - louvre van LF248 heavy welding gang (blc_cb_06_n)
Port Augusta - Employees sleeping car EC155 - ex SAR side loading car (blc_cb_07_n)
Port Augusta - body of van XS732 (blc_cb_08_n)
Port Augusta - breakdown van XSA2 (blc_cb_09_n)
Port Augusta - employees sleeping van EE2 (blc_cb_10_n)
Port Augusta - 4-wheel ballast plough BPS194 (blc_cb_11_n)
Port Augusta - remains of SAR passenger carriage 550 (blc_cb_12_n)
Port Pirie - CR brake van HRF65 + SAR brake 8370 (blc_cb_13_n)
Port Pirie - low sided open wagon R50 CCE branch only (blc_db_01_n)
Port Pirie - cattle van CB242 + part SAR sheep van SS10 (blc_db_03_n)
Port Pirie - sheep van SB1499 + part cattle van CB743 (blc_db_05_n)
Port Pirie - louvre van LC1408 (blc_db_07_n)
Port Pirie - flat wagon RMX2355 (blc_db_09_n)
Port Pirie - flat wagon RG1613 loaded with wheels (blc_db_11_n)
Port Augusta - composite situp car AB17 on marree train + mail van in foreground (blc_db_13_n)
Port Augusta - sleeping car AR50 on marree train + mail van in foreground (blc_db_15_n)
Port Augusta - lounge car AF26 Commonwealth Railways Institute Model Engineering and Hobbies Club (blc_db_17_n)
Port Augusta - composite situp car AB17 on marree train (blc_db_19_n)
Port Augusta - water tank TK1736 (blc_db_21_n)
Port Augusta - water tank TG490 (blc_db_23_n)
Port Augusta - cattle vans CB785 CB763 on common underframe - before coding as CE763 (blc_db_25_n)
Port Augusta - cattle van CB754 CB755 on common underframe - before coding as CE755 (blc_db_27_n)
Port Augusta - ore wagon GQ2427 + part GQ2426 (blc_db_29_n)
Port Augusta - sheep van S370 (blc_db_31_n)
Port Augusta West Caravan Park - body narrow gauge brake van NYB17 (blc_db_33_n)
Port Augusta - Coal wagon GH1313 + flat wagon RGX1640 (blc_db_35_n)
Port Augusta - motor vehicle carrier GC1529 + part GB1096 (blc_db_37_n)
Port Augusta - heavy lift wagon QB2406 (blc_db_39_n)
Port Augusta - bogie water tank TD377 ways and works only (blc_db_41_n)
Larrimah - Brake Van NHA71 (A Lockyer) (blc_an_20_n)
North Road - Relay van NHBR23 (G Bond Collection) (blc_an_24_n)
North Road - Relay van NHBR23 (G Bond Collection) (blc_an_48_n)
NCC440 (G Bond Collection) (blc_bn_01_n)
NCC440 (G Bond Collection) (blc_bn_01a_n)
Darwin - Brake van NY class ex Z (G Bond Collection) (blc_bn_02a_n)
Wooden sided open wagon NGC1040 (G Bond Collection) (blc_bn_03a_n)
Katherine - Composite car NABP7 (G Bond Collection) (blc_bn_04a_n)
Katherine - Composite car NABP3 (G Bond Collection) (blc_bn_05a_n)
Katherine - Second Class car NBP4 (G Bond Collection) (blc_bn_06a_n)
Katherine - Relay Brake NHA68 (G Bond collection) (blc_bn_07a_n)
Darwin - Leper Van NOS8 (G Bond Collection) (blc_bn_09a_n)
Darwin - Composite car NABP5 (G Bond Collection) (blc_bn_35a_n)
Darwin - Brake van NY class ex Z (G Bond Collection) (blc_bn_36a_n)
Darwin - NYB40 class brakevan (G Bond collection) (blc_bn_37a_n)
Darwin - Brake van NYB40 (G Bond Collection) (blc_bn_38a_n)
NB1411 (G Bond Collection) (blc_bn_42a_n)
The Ghan - NM15 + NHBR brake (Ken Rodgers) (blc_cn_13_n)
North of Hawker possibly Finke River - Work train - NH4 bogie brake van + NM16 (Frank Morris) (blc_cn_14_n)
Darwin - Composite car NABP13 (W Larsen) (blc_cn_28a_n)
Port Augusta - HRD189 (blc_bs_05_n)
Alice Springs - NRF900 + NGF1367 (blc_bs_06_n)
Alice Springs - Breakdown car NXD35 (blc_bs_07_n)
Alice Springs - Sleeping car NAR73 (blc_bs_08_n)
Alice Springs - NBRE passenger car (blc_bs_09_n)
Alice Springs - Special service car NSS34 + NSU56 (blc_bs_10_n)
Alice Springs - Relay brake NHR30 (blc_bs_11_n)
Port Augusta - HRD189 (blc_bs_12_n)
Port Augusta - HRG58 (blc_bs_13_n)
Port Augusta - AF26 (blc_bs_15_n)
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Chris Drymalik
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This page was last updated on Friday 19 Apr 2024 at 12:44am.